Love your local small businesses
Small Business Saturday A healthy mix of local businesses is an essential ingredient of any thriving community – especially small enterprises run by people who know the area and understand the needs of residents. The important role they play is recognised on Small Business Saturday, which falls on the first weekend of December each year. Michelle Ovens CBE, Director of Small Business Saturday UK, has spoken about the Covid effect on small businesses. ‘Throughout the crisis we have been reminded of the special role that small firms play in local communities … As the UK recovers from the pandemic, small businesses still face considerable challenges to get back on their feet and it’s important we continue to support them.’ For more information, visit smallbusinesssaturdayuk.com. Reasons to support small businesses 1. Build communities and strengthen local economies Buying from small businesses supports the friends and neighbours who own or manage them. It also helps to ensure services remain available for the more vulnerable in society and those without transport. 2. Give character to towns and villages It’s the small independent retailers, salons and cafés among the usual high street chains that determine the feel of a place. 3. Create job opportunities […]

My Covid year
23 March 2020 (a year ago) Yesterday was my mother’s 87th birthday. It was a Sunday. I usually spent weekends with her in any case since my stepfather died a few years ago. A week earlier, I had returned from my annual week-long ski holiday with friends, anxious because I rarely left her alone for longer than 4 days. The news about Covid-19 and the risk of a global pandemic still seemed secondary to the immediate concern of getting home. That Sunday we were joined by my wonderful cousin Susie, the elder daughter of my late uncle Jim – my mother’s only sibling – for a kitchen celebration involving gifts, cake and photos. Today the world has changed: the UK has gone into lockdown. Having dumped my ski stuff at home and popped down with an overnight bag, I nip home to do the washing, shut up the house and return with a suitcase of clothes, laptop, chargers, work files, spare screen and keyboard. Just in case. Just as well… Spring 2020 I have taken over the dining room at my mother’s house. The room accustomed to hosting family Christmas dinners has become RG10 HQ. The painting on the wall […]

6 reasons to advertise in local magazines
Print advertising works This is borne out by the high proportion of repeat advertisers we see booking space in RG10 magazine. Print advertising consistently achieves a higher level of engagement than social or digital. The numbers reached may be smaller, but the quality of leads is better. We are more likely to filter out a degree of the digital content we consume. A print publication has only so many pages, with limited content on each page, so adverts have a better chance of being noticed and remembered. Organisations such as Royal Mail and the Data & Marketing Association agree. Print is not dead! Reach your target customers If your business covers a particular geographical area, then local magazines offer the ideal way to speak directly to your potential customers. Readers of local magazines are likely to be involved in their local community and interested in supporting local businesses. Growing your local customer base and strengthening community links make good business sense! Speak to a receptive audience What better way is there to reach potential new customers than when they are relaxing in their own home, perhaps with a drink, flicking through their local magazine? There is no competition or distraction: […]

Is it ok to keep marketing through lockdown?
Consider this well-known marketing quote: “When times are good you should advertise. When times are bad you must advertise.” Ten months after the first coronavirus lockdown in the UK, 2021 has begun with us in the grip of a new one, with infection rates soaring and many businesses wondering how much more they can take. In times of crisis, it’s natural for business owners to consider ways to save costs. Perhaps cutting the marketing budget is one of the first ideas to come to mind. Yet this is usually counterproductive. It could even mean missing an opportunity. Time and again, studies have shown economic downturns to be among the best times for businesses to promote their services and grow. Four compelling reasons to continue marketing: You can be the one to stand out when the level of noise drops in your marketplace as others cut their marketing spend.Being seen and heard can increase your market share leading to higher profits.Being visible demonstrates strength and stability, inspiring confidence in your business during uncertain times. Staying at the forefront of consumers’ minds makes it more likely they turn to you when they are ready to buy. So, don’t be shy. People out there still need your business. […]

Giving Tuesday – keep it local
‘Giving Tuesday’ follows hot on the heels of the retail frenzy of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, falling this year on 1 December. It is a day for demonstrating generosity of spirit to support the causes and communities that matter to us. Here at RG10 we’re all about supporting local businesses, charities and associations, so why not also ‘keep it local’ for Giving Tuesday? Here’s our round-up of some great initiatives you can support this year that will make a real difference in your community. First Days Childrens’ Charity First Days in Hurst works to reduce the long-term effect of poverty on children by equipping families in need with items such as school uniforms, toys, books and new baby essentials. Their Christmas giving campaign has led to the public making many generous donations of presents and stocking fillers, which the charity is now busy delivering to families facing hardship. Ways you can help: Follow First Days on Facebook for news and monthly lists of items required for donationPurchase a gift from the charity’s Amazon Wish ListEnter the virtual Barnes Fitness Dinton Santa Dash on 19 December (£2 per entry is being passed to First Days) Show your appreciation for the […]

‘Shop local’ ideas this Christmas
Just because November sees us in another lockdown, it doesn’t mean we need to give up on our good intentions to support local businesses in the run-up to Christmas. Happily, most are well-prepared this time around and have made it easy for us to continue to use their services. These days most shops have an online presence to enable us to support our favourites even while the doors are closed. And of course there are many micro-businesses run from home that are more reliant than ever on online marketplaces now that the usual seasonal events are not going ahead. Following on from our Six ways to support local businesses, here are some shopping ideas aimed at residents in our area of Berkshire interested in discovering thoughtful, locally-sourced gifts and treats this Christmas. Please send in your feedback – very happy to add more ideas over the coming weeks. In the meantime, happy browsing – and thank you! #SupportLocal Cards and gifts H F Newberry This third-generation family business in Twyford offers a fantastic range of high quality greetings cards, wrapping paper, books and other gift ideas for both adults and children. Follow the Facebook page to see the latest product […]

Lockdown 2: Six ways to support local businesses
So, here we are in a new lockdown for England lasting at least four weeks. But before we hunker down on the sofa with all the delivery apps open on the phone, Googling Christmas shopping ideas and firing off random Amazon orders, let’s consider what we enjoy about our local communities. How would we feel if they were to change forever, and not for the better? We have a thriving community of diverse service providers in and around the RG10 area. Our actions over the coming weeks and months can help keep it that way for the future. Whever you live, in your mind, take a stroll around your area. What shops do you see? Perhaps some you know well, others you’ve always been meaning to explore. What about the pubs, restaurants and cafes? And the medical, dental, optical and other healthcare practices? Plus all the offices in between, hiding creatives, business professionals and other service providers? And the sports and leisure facilities? Not to mention the myriad vans bringing home other friends and neighbours, skilled workers who maintain, repair and upgrade the homes and gardens in your neighbourhood. Once you have a picture of the rich diversity of your local […]

The Virtual Hurst Show 2020
I’ve been really impressed by the number of local events moving online in recent months, refusing to let lockdown spoil the fun. However, plans for the Virtual Hurst Show are taking the idea to a whole new level! Normally the Hurst Show and Country Fayre is held over the last weekend of June, raising tens of thousands of pounds for local good causes. Organisers have been coming up with ingenious ways to enable several of the key attractions to go ahead in modified form, whether online or through real-life, socially distanced treats. The ideas have been gaining a good level of engagement from the local community, with residents keen to join in and support Hurst Show’s fundraising efforts. For more details read the information below, received from the hard-working organising committee. (Highlighted words provide direct links through to the event or organisation shown.) Everyone is invited to take part in online and socially distanced events all through June, culminating in what would have been the show weekend, June 27 and 28. Show Chairperson Suzy Turner explains: ‘More than ever, local good causes are struggling for funding. ‘We have kicked off the fundraising with a £5,000 donation from show funds […]

Marking the 75th anniversary of VE Day
Nearly a year in advance the British Government announced that the May Bank Holiday – traditionally the first Monday in May – would be moved to Friday 8 May 2020. This was in order to have the public holiday coincide with the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe, when the guns fell silent after years of terror and destruction. The holiday was conceived as the first of three days of national celebration to give thanks for a generation who fought for our freedom a quarter of a century ago. Back in 1945, millions of people came together in the streets in joyful celebration. At the same time there was heartache: grief for the lives lost and thoughts of loved ones still fighting on the other side of the globe. (It would be another three months before the Allies achieved victory over Japan, bringing the Second World War to a close in mid August.) Sadly, the international lockdown brought about by the Covid-19 Coronavirus has meant the cancellation of all official events to mark #VEDay75. Local communities have had to follow suit. However, many are finding ways to come together virtually in a show of gratitude to those who gave so […]

Local news: Easter 2020
At this stage of our collective coronavirus COVID-19 experience we could all do with some uplifting stories to focus on. Here are a few that I hope you enjoy. Nature Twyford based photographer Asya Barskaya of ABL Photography has been taking the opportunity to capture and share images of spring awakening. Take a look at her Facebook page and lose yourself in the colours and shapes from gardens and the natural world reminding us that the seasons continue, regardless of the turmoil around us. My contact at Lavell’s Wetland Trust reports that the migrating birds have been arriving bang on cue. Read the update from Fraser Cottington. The Big Twyford Tree Planting Project reached its crowdfunding target by early March, thanks to fantastic public support. Given the current circumstances, the community planting day on 28 November will be an extra special event to look forward to – I can’t wait to dig in the hornbeam we’ve purchased! Clubs and societies As a team sponsor, it’s been fun watching a discussion on the Facebook group of Twyford Comets Football Club exploring ideas for the young players to get together virtually to convey a message of thanks and appreciation to those doing […]

Nature: Looking after Lavells
Since last autumn I’ve become interested in the work of Lavell’s Wetlands Trust, which local wildlife lovers may have previously known as the Friends of Lavell’s Lake. The nature reserve is adjacent to the Dinton Pastures Country Park in Hurst. We’ve so far published two articles in RG10 magazine by its chairman, or rather ‘Chief Visionary Officer’, Fraser Cottington. The title is apt: he is a force of nature himself, an avid bird watcher and passionate about the nature reserve he and many other volunteers have cared for over the years. Mindful that a lot of work was due to be taking place to create the ideal conditions for the influx of migrating birds, I was wondering what effect the Coronavirus restrictions were having on plans. Also the charity had just recently received Wokingham Borough Council approval for a project to expand reed beds and marshes at Lea Farm Lake later in the summer, funded by a £42k grant from Network Rail. And they are still running a bit fundraising drive for a new state-of-the-art bird hide in 2021. I had a virtual catch-up with Fraser in the run-up to Easter and this is what he had to say… Good […]

CV: Business and professional services
Services and information available to access during the Coronavirus Covid-19 outbreak. This will be added to over time – please check back regularly and feel free to suggest additional entries by email to nikki@rg10mag.com. Accounts Starfish Accounting – This local chartered accountancy practice understands how tough it is keeping a business going through such a challenging time, without the certainty of being able to plan for the future. They have been hard at work researching the government help on offer and putting together free-to-access pages outlining the best way to access it. Have a look at this new dedicated area on their website for the lowdown on the Income Support Scheme for the self-employed, the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme for employers, or if no grants are available to you perhaps consider the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme. Sign up to their newsletter for Covid-19 updates. Coaching Liz Balmford Coaching – Liz harnesses tools including voice and mindset coaching to help people achieve their business and life goals through enhancing their own personal performance and growth. She helps clients feel clearer on their message, confident to speak in any situation, and more comfortable showing up as their natural self. You can read […]

CV: Family
Services available to access during the Coronavirus Covid-19 outbreak. This will be added to over time – please check back regularly and feel free to suggest additional providers by email to nikki@rg10mag.com. ABL Photography Asya Barskaya is a local photographer currently offering free family portrait shoots. Sharing beautiful photographs will help you to stay connected with those you love and bring something positive into their lives during this challenging time. The offer runs from April 2020 to the end of the year and includes one fully retouched high resolution digital image – for more details see here. (To comply with social distancing rules, shoots are conducted outdoors from at least a three metre distance.) Follow Asya’s Facebook page. Art activities Local artist Este MacLeod has developed a free 5-day course that is available online to start any time from 26 April to the end of May 2020. Home schooling was a major motivation for putting the course together and it is suitable for all levels of art experience as well as children. Minimum materials are required and the content and format are simple but significant, using the shapes of numbers and handwriting as components for drawing. Get involved at www.explorecolour.com/colour-play. […]

CV: Home deliveries
Services available to access during the Coronavirus Covid-19 outbreak. This will be added to over time – please check back regularly and feel free to suggest additional providers by email to nikki@rg10mag.com. Clothes alterations Can’t Sew? – If this is you, then you need Kim Tomes. She is able to offer a no-contact service including collection and delivery within RG10 for any sewing jobs that you’d like completed for clothing or curtains. Now is the time to go through your wardrobes and see what needs tweaking, and to finally get those curtains hanging properly at the right length. Note: only possible for work that you can measure and specify yourself; no fitting or pinning possible. Call Kim for more information. Food and drink Binghams Brewery – Now offering free delivery of fresh draught beer in sizes of 1 to 20 litres, plus glass bottled beer. Order online at binghams.co.uk/shop. Delivery is free within the RG10 postcode with no minimum order (use promotion code FREEPOST4RG10), and also free within an 8 mile radius for orders over £20 (quote FREELOCAL). C A Belcher & Son – Wholesaler of fruit, veg, dairy, dry goods and frozen products now offering a veg box delivery service in […]

CV: Health and wellbeing
Services available to access during the Coronavirus Covid-19 outbreak. This will be added to over time – please check back regularly and feel free to suggest additional providers by email to nikki@rg10mag.com. Fitness BestLife Basics – Marla Murray is a women’s strength training and nutrition coach. She is offering meaningful, challenging and fun workouts online – visit her Facebook page for details. British Heart Foundation – Being stuck in the house makes it all the more important to look after your blood pressure and cardiovascular health. This article on the BHF website recommends some good indoor exercises based on yoga moves and circuits. FastTrack Fit Camp – Heidi Strickland-Clark has taken her outdoor fitness sessions online and is delivering them at various times during the week through Zoom. Learn more by keeping up to date with the Facebook page. Generation Games – Age UK Oxfordshire’s physical activity service, which usually runs close to 80 exercise classes for older people across the county, has started offering easy-to-follow videos on its website. Nutritious Works – The instructors are now offering a range of their classes online, whether live via Zoom, or videos to enjoy anytime from their Facebook page. There are fun […]

Temporary freeze on publication
Following the PM’s address to the nation earlier this evening with further restrictions on the permitted reasons to be out and about during this coronavirus outbreak, I have to announce that there will be no printed edition of RG10 magazine for May/Jun 2020. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-52011928 However, rest assured I’ll be gearing up the digital communication and online support for our local communities and business advertisers via our social platforms, this blog and newsletters. With reasons for leaving the house limited to obtaining essential supplies, and the nation hunkering down further for at least another three weeks, I cannot envisage it being possible or appropriate to send out our team of delivery people again at the end of April. I had already ordered in supplies of surgical gloves and hand sanitiser as added protection for our amazingly dedicated distributors, but will now be donating these items to local COVID-19 volunteer groups.

What’s NOT on
With social gatherings all but abandoned to limit the spread of coronavirus, I expect the activities of many local clubs and associations listed in our What’s On guide have been disbanded for the foreseeable future. RG10 has received word of the following local seasonal events having been postponed or cancelled in the next few weeks: 28 March | Twyford Together Easter Egg Hunt28 March | Twyford & Ruscombe Horticultural Association Spring Show5 April | Reading Half Marathon18 April | Twyford Twinning Association concert with High Voltage Singers hosting Melodie Choir from Cuincy in France 29 April | Twyford Parish Council Annual Parish Meeting30 April – 2 May | Ladies’ Day, presented by Twyford & Ruscombe Theatre Group2-3 May | Henley Arts Trail16 May | Charity Barn Dance in Twyford for Understanding Dementia16 May | Reading Accordion Group concert for Christian Aid7 June | 1st Twyford Scouts Summer Fayre & Donkey Derby 13 June | Woodley Carnival27 – 28 June | Hurst Show & Country FayreTwyford in Bloom – along with all Britain in Bloom contests for 20206-10 July | Henley Festival

Business tips for the coronavirus period
With everything that’s been going on this week it’s been good to see some positive messages out there for those of us wondering if our businesses are going to come out of the other side. Just last week there was a business-friendly Budget, since when the Chancellor has issued statements outlining further measures to mitigate the adverse effects of coronavirus on the business community. For more information: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-employers-and-businesses-about-covid-19/covid-19-support-for-businesses While we are avoiding face-to-face meetings it is important to consider how best to support our customers and other valued contacts, use time wisely to work on our business, focus on our marketing activities, and seek out new opportunities. For some good pointers, read this article by Chris Lunn of Digity, a local digital marketing agency: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/my-10-tips-marketing-success-tricky-time-starting-now-chris-lunn/ A couple of courses caught my eye in recent weeks which I thought I’d share with you. They are both online, so this is the ideal time to invest in expanding your skills to benefit your business. The first is a marketing strategy course in 12 modules called Market Smarter. This is a collaboration between marketing consultant Tanya Gaffon of Distinktiv and business strategist Helen Steel of Streamlion. The course was designed for start-ups but […]

Coronavirus and RG10 magazine
COVID-19 coronavirus is having an immeasurable effect on daily life and we are all having to reassess our activities and adjust as necessary. Here’s my current thinking regarding RG10 magazine, which is in line with many other small independent publishers. I feel it is important to continue publishing the magazine, as long as it is safe and viable to do so. RG10 is well positioned to collate and disseminate information and advice about local support to residents, especially those vulnerable members of our community in isolation at home, and parents coping with the closure of schools. RG10 also plays an essential role helping many small businesses market their services across the area, and now more than ever we need to all pull together and support each other. Our publication is delivered through letterboxes by a valued team of local residents who I hope will confirm their continued involvement after reviewing new guidelines that will be communicated to them shortly. I value their contribution immensely and take their safety very seriously. I am therefore monitoring advice from Public Health England and any change in practice by Royal Mail for their postal workers.Therefore I am still planning to issue the May/Jun edition of RG10 magazine at the […]

Happy new me
I can’t really explain how, when or why. I just know that for quite some time I wasn’t myself. Everything seemed a struggle. I couldn’t rationalise it, so I didn’t acknowledge it to myself, share it with others or ask for help. It’s only now that I’m coming out the other side that I realise I wasn’t functioning on all cylinders for quite a while. For how long – who knows? It was about three months ago that a GP diagnosed mild depression and anxiety. I’d gone in wanting to address the physical pain in my back and various joints. But struggling to articulate how I was feeling, other stuff came tumbling out. Such as how I was experiencing life at one remove, as if underwater. How getting through the day felt like wading through treacle. How I felt disconnected with what was going on around me. How I was making mistakes more frequently. How I was struggling to concentrate, disoriented in ‘brain fog’. How I’d missed turnings while driving without realising for a while. How making decisions sometimes felt beyond me. I was going through the motions. Doing what I had to. Being where I needed to be. I […]

This November has so far been all about reflection and remembrance, of sorrow and gratitude. We are lucky to be able to treasure each day the freedoms we have and the people we care about. Armistice Centenary What a wonderful change it has been to see so many nations united around one message: remembering those who served in or lived through the horrors of World War One. It was most fitting that Remembrance Sunday this year did fall on the eleventh day of the eleventh month, to coincide with the centenary of the armistice ending the ‘Great War’. At the eleventh hour we observed two minute’s silence exactly one hundred years after the guns fell silent in the conflict that was meant to end them all. Local communities played their part organising parades, services of remembrance and wreath laying ceremonies at war memorials. Twyford and Cuincy in France celebrated their newly twinned status by sending representatives to attend each other’s events. The centenary was of particular relevance for this part of northern France, which saw so many battles and has numerous military cemeteries as a result. The radio waves and TV channels have been awash with stories and tributes. Here are […]

RG10 events update February 2018
Last few tickets available for the Hurst Morris People barn dance this Saturday 24 February. Also on Saturday: the popular annual Daisy’s Dream quiz & curry night at Charvil Piggott School for teams of up to 8 people. Razzamatazz Reading run performing arts sessions on Saturday mornings for boys and girls aged 4-18 at Maiden Erlegh School. Check out their Facebook competition for a chance to win a one-on-one street dance tutorial! Calling all past pupils of Polehampton Infants School in Twyford, this alumni event on Wednesday 28 February is for you! Don’t forget Mothering Sunday: 11 March. Get a team of up to 8 together to take part in the Camp Mohawk charity quiz night at Redingensians on Wednesday 21 March. The next Twyford & Ruscombe Horticultural Association talk on Thursday 22 March will be on the subject of the National Gardens Scheme. Do you enjoy Gilbert & Sullivan operettas? Then don’t miss The Yeomen of the Guard, a concert performance by Mostly G&S in Woodley on 22-24 March. This year’s Palm Sunday concert by the Twyford Singers on 25 March will feature the Messiah choruses and other sacred music.

RG10 area news February 2018
If you still have any of these paper £10 notes featuring Charles Darwin knocking around, don’t forget they will cease to be legal tender on 1 March – so spend or exchange them now! The new smaller polymer notes featuring Jane Austen were introduced last September. Go, Jo, go! Good luck to Twyford resident Joanne Jones, 45, who is already training hard for the Virgin Money London Marathon on 22 April. She is running for local child bereavement charity Daisy’s Dream. Show her your support by visiting her JustGiving fundraising page. It’s nearly time for the launch of the annual Twyford Together photographic competition, so get snapping for Click Together and visit www.twyfordtogether.org in March for competition details and to submit entries online. Twyford & Ruscombe Cricket Club are looking for new young talent to take part in their indoor practice sessions. For details see the 19 February post on the RG10 Facebook page, and for more information about the club visit their website. Twyford Twinning Association will be welcoming a delegation from Cuincy in France over the weekend of 23-25 March for a familiarisation visit, the laying of a wreath at the war memorial and the signing of the […]

Know your ‘who’ and your ‘what’
As publisher of a local magazine, I’m often contacted by business owners wishing to book advertising without necessarily having a clear idea of what they’re trying to achieve. They may have little more than a sense that they ‘should’ advertise, as if that decision in itself would bring in new customers. If only it were that simple! The fact is, even if you have the most beautifully designed advert, you could still end up with zero response. Even with a wonderful logo, or eye-catching photo, or compelling call to action, your efforts could come to naught unless you first ask yourself two important questions and are clear on the answers. Who is my ideal customer? What is my value proposition? Once you have identified these two things, you’ll be able to place them at the heart of your advertising to maximise the likely response. Indeed, keeping their attributes foremost in your mind will help you plan any marketing activity and bring you better results. Who is my ideal customer? You might think: anyone could use my products, so why try be restrictive? Because when it comes to marketing, we are more likely to notice something specific – something that sparks […]
Latest availability with RG10
RG10 advertising deadlines Don’t miss out – contact us now to book your advertising space. Interested in how to maximise your advertising response through increased exposure with RG10 online? Read more here. Booking now: Copy deadline for pre-booked advertising: RG10 screen at Twyford Surgery for February onwards 24 January RG10 magazine Mar/Apr edition onwards 1 February Late availability discount: front cover advert now just £140 (or £200 for double width) 1 February Leaflet printing with Mar/Apr magazine 7 February Leaflet delivery with Mar/Apr magazine 19 February A few premium page positions are still available for 2018 (front cover / inside front cover / inside back cover / centre spread / back cover). First come, first served!

Late December update
This month has been a whirlwind… Here’s some of what’s grabbed my attention or kept me busy. Congratulations to Twyford’s latest MBE: Elizabeth Barton-Phillips, founder of the charity DrugFAM. We’ll be bringing you a lovely article about her in the Jan/Feb edition of RG10 magazine, so look out for that. Talking of local MBEs, it’s been a fabulous year for Ren Kapur and her organisation X-Forces, which gives training and support enabling ex-forces personnel and spouses to start up businesses. Read her blog here. Great news: the Twyford High Street premises previously occupied by Country Mouse should have a new tenant by the new year. (I won’t name the business just yet for fear of jinxing their plans!) I’ve lost two close family members to sudden cardiac arrest, so I’m a big fan of the Twyford Together initiative to install a network of public access defibrillators locally in partnership with Wargrave & Twyford Community First Responders. We celebrate this achievement and give full details in the new year issue. We’ve had an IT issue resolved just in time for Christmas by local business and RG10 advertiser TW Computer Services – thank you so much Terry! Whether you were for or […]

And the winners are…
RG10 is a small business whose raison d’etre is supporting other small businesses. For 8 years we’ve been learning and passing on marketing best practice and giving advice to our advertising customers – many of whom are small businesses such as sole traders, professional individuals, and tradespeople. Today is Small Business Saturday and to mark the occasion we’ve run a prize draw, having collected entries over the past couple of months. It’s now time to reveal the winners (drumroll please…!) 1st – Gisela Sharpe, Gisela Sharpe Accountancy 2nd – Mark Evans, Channel Interactive 3rd – Sarah Hart, Sarah Hart Nutrition Congratulations to all the above, who will shortly receive confirmation of their RG10 advertising prize details by email. Thank you to everyone who dropped their business card in our prize draw box at recent events, or who entered by subscribing to our marketing newsletter RG10 Business Extra.

Top Tips for engaging with your RG10 audience
Top tips for engaging with your RG10 audience Everyone loves our community magazine – advertisers and readers alike. It’s handy, it’s there on the coffee table until the next one comes out, and is great for building brand awareness and loyalty through repeat display advertising or editorial. But what about readers who want a reminder of a business they saw before but didn’t note the contact details, or who need to look up a service online at work or via their mobile on the move? For the best response to your print advertising, get digital with RG10! Tip 1 Make sure your profile on our online directory is up to date – you can check this at www.RG10mag.com. Your listing should include the following: A snappy summary for the thumbnail view An informative description for your full profile Your logo Accurate contact details Links to any social media presence you may have Not listed on our directory? It costs just £180/year, the equivalent to £15/month. Add my business Tip 2 Are you an expert in a particular field who could write an article that people would find engaging, helpful and informative? The idea is to add value to our readers […]

Nervous about Digital Marketing?
NERVOUS ABOUT DIGITAL MARKETING? Small businesses are unlikely to be able to allocate much time or money to digital marketing, let alone understand it all. No wonder we always feel left behind! This blog post by Ri Web in Henley caught our eye, highlighting 20 vital (and free!) small business resources. YouTube has become hugely popular as a business marketing tool. Want to know how it’s done? Read How this small business smashed it on YouTube by Sanzen Digital, featuring Sittingwell® as great exponents of the art of YouTube marketing. RG10 is now working with Sanzen Digital, and readers of RG10 magazine may remember an article we published about Sittingwell®, who design and supply products aimed at relieving back pain and increasing strength. RG10 MARKETING OPTIONS Booking now: Next deadline: RG10 screen at Twyford Surgery from August onwards 24 July RG10 magazine Sep/Oct edition onwards 1 August Last Sep/Oct front cover advert, now just £140 1 August Leaflet printing in time for Sep/Oct magazine 7 August Leaflet delivery with Sep/Oct magazine, one slot remaining 21 August We are now allocating our popular premium pages for the 2018 magazines – front cover / inside front cover / inside back cover / […]