Rodgers & Hammerstein on Broadway – singing evening

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21-05-2022 19:00 - 21:00
Charvil Village Hall
Address: The Hawthorns, Charvil RG10 9TR

Rodgers & Hammerstein on Broadway - singing evening

Sat 21 May 2022

7pm - 9pm

Charvil Village Hall, Park Lane, Charvil RG10 9TR

£10 including a copy of the music and light refreshments

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0118 934 0589

Fun singing evening for female voices, led by local music teacher Suzanne Newman, Musical Director of The Project Singers.

The group will be working on 'Rodgers and Hammerstein on Broadway' - a great medley of songs from musicals including Carousel, The Sound of Music, The King and I and South Pacific.

Reserve your place now: contact Suzanne by phone or email using the links above.