This Little Light: St Nicholas Hurst lantern trail

This Little Light: St Nicholas Hurst lantern trail

Sat 31 October 2020

5pm to 6.30pm

St Nicholas Church, Church Hill, Hurst RG10 0SN

icon telephoneChurch office for St Mary’s Twyford, St Nicholas Hurst, St James Ruscombe and Twyford URC: 0118 934 4792


Evenbrite link – book a time to collect your lantern kit for This Little Light


This year, more than any other, the church of St Nicholas Hurst wants to offer families an opportunity to celebrate light, not darkness on 31st October. Whilst it’s not possible for them to host a Light Party, you are invited to visit the church to collect a lantern to decorate at home. Inside your kit you’ll also find some tasty treats!

You’ll be able to pop up your battery-powered lantern straight away and test it out on a short walk through the churchyard on your way home. Along the way there will be lights, messages and activities to enjoy together as a family.

At St Nicholas Messy Church, when children celebrate the anniversary of their baptism, we always sing the song ‘This little light of mine’. We believe that all of us carry a light inside of us, and we hope and pray that lantern night will help us all to remember to shine brightly for each other this winter.