The World of Worldbuilding: teen writing workshop

The World of Worldbuilding: teen writing workshop

Sat 4 August 2018

icon clock10.30am – 3pm

£5 – advance booking essential via Wokingham Library

Wokingham Library, Denmark Street, Wokingham RG40 2BB

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Wokingham Library – 0118 978 1368

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Ever wanted to try writing and coming up with your own stories? Or share your ideas with other aspiring writers? If so, you’re in luck: Igniting Writing, Wokingham Library’s creative writing club, are running a series of action-packed writing workshops for anyone between 11 and 18 years old to take part in!
All book-lovers enjoy immersing themselves in a world within the pages of a book, like Narnia or the Star Wars universe, but what do writers do to create those worlds? And how do you turn a collection of characters and settings into a whole world that a reader can imagine themselves living in? This workshop will focus on enabling you to create your own fictional world, whether it’s sci-fi, fantasy or something else entirely, and build it from the ground up.
