Woodley Carnival View Calendar 08-06-2019 11:00 - 23:00 http://www.woodleycarnival.org.uk/ Memorial Field, Headley Road, Woodley RG5 4JZ Address: Memorial Field, Headley Road, Woodley RG5 4JZ[{"latlong":["51.454046","-0.904369"],"location":"Memorial Field, Headley Road, Woodley RG5 4JZ","zoom":16,"infow":"Memorial Field, Headley Road, Woodley RG5 4JZ<\/span><\/div>\n\t\t <\/label>\n\t\t 08-06-2019 <\/span> 11:00 - 23:00 <\/span><\/div>","google_map_url":"https:\/\/www.google.com\/maps\/place\/Memorial+Field%2C+Headley+Road%2C+Woodley+RG5+4JZ\/@51.454046,-0.904369","name":"Woodley Carnival"}]Woodley Carnival Sat 8 June 2019 Carnival procession 11am, gates open 12 noon The Memorial Field, next to the Oakwood Centre, Headley Road, Woodley RG5 4JZ All day/afternoon/evening, come and go as you please: £10 for adults/seniors and £5 for children: Afternoon only, 12 noon to 5pm: £4 for adults/seniors and £1 for children (last entry 4pm) For full details of the carnival procession, afternoon attractions and evening line-up (plus sponsorship and advertising opportuities) visit: www.woodleycarnival.org.ukThe annual Woodley Carnival brings local community groups and businesses together for the biggest outdoor event in Woodley town's calendar. The theme of this year's carnival is At the Movies.Starting the proceedings is a carnival procession which departs from Comet Way at 11am and travels the streets of Woodley, arriving at the field around 1.30pm. The carnival opens at noon with the field packed full of exciting fun and entertainment for all the family to enjoy.There will be over 100 stalls from charities and local groups, a funfair, an arena full with acts, food outlets, a beer tent, and inside the Coronation Hall teas/coffees and cakes by the local WI.The main arena offers plenty of activities with local groups putting on a range of singing, dancing and acrobatic displays to entertain spectators, with plenty of free participation events for children including inflatable world and rides on the Smiley Train.There will be lots to see on the field too, such as a Classic Car Show, Dog Show, Flower Show and Photographic Show all taking place during the afternoon. There will also be some fantastic displays from local enthusiasts of model railways, traction engines, caged birds, a mobile petting farm and more..Those choosing to stay into the evening for the Party in the Park can bring a picnic to enjoy whilst listening to live music and watching the firework finale.A wide selection of food will be available to keep everyone going throughout the afternoon and evening, involving a choice of local groups and commercial stands. About Nikki Ochtman View all posts by Nikki Ochtman → ← Previous Next →