Wokingham Virtual Easter Market

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18-03-2021 - 11-04-2021 All day

Wokingham Virtual Easter Market

Start your spring season with the perfect Easter market, shopping from the comfort of your own home. Whether you are looking for a gift for someone or something unique for yourself, look no further than this virtual marketplace showcasing the best of Wokingham borough businesses.
There will be one-off events such as ???? Craft Evenings ???? and ???? Food & Drink nights ???? so plenty of opportunity to browse some amazing products.
Want to book a stall? Follow this link for details:
®️There is a one-off admin fee and there's no commission to pay on sales.
You'll have the opportunity to showcase your products in the Facebook group the all the way through the Virtual Easter Market, including pictures, posts and videos.
For more info see the Stall-holders Announcement (via Topics on the right hand side via desktop version of Facebook, and scroll right from Rooms under the members section and you'll find it far right).
Any businesses or people posting without joining the market through the form and payment link will have their posts removed.