Twyford Twinning Association 3rd anniversary

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27-03-2021 18:30 - 19:30

Twyford Twinning Association 3rd anniversary

Sat 27 March 2021

18:30 UK time



Join the Twyford Twinning Facebook group


The Twyford Twinning Association is excited to be celebrating the 3rd anniversary of the village twinning with Cuincy in northern France.

Local residents are welcome to join in online for some chat, birthday songs and a general celebration of the 3rd Twyford-Cuincy twinning birthday.

The Twinning Charter between Twyford and Cuincy was signed in Twyford on 24 March 2018. Unfortunately it was not possible to meet in person to celebrate the 2nd anniversary, and now the 3rd birthday party will be held online.

Members of the Twyford Twinning Association hope you can join them for a fun and festive evening with our French friends!

For more information about the twinning and to find the Zoom link, please use the link above to join the Facebook group.