Thames Valley Chorus open rehearsal

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11-06-2024 19:30 - 21:30
The Bulmershe School
Address: Chequers Way, Woodley, Reading RG5 3EU

Thames Valley Chorus open rehearsal


Thames Valley Chorus is a male voice choir that sings in 4-part harmony. They sing 4-part songs ranging from pop classics to songs from the shows, lively up-tempo and slow ballads.

They will be holding another of their Open Rehearsals on 11 June 2024 to enable men to try out harmony singing. No experience is needed, just bring some water and wear comfy shoes!

They meet on Tuesday evenings at Bulmershe School, Woodley, arriving at 7.15pm ready for a 7.30pm start. To find out more or to register, send an email or visit the website - links above.

Most men who try an open rehearsal say "the last time I sang in a choir was at school", and the last thing they say before they leave is "Why did I leave it so long?"

At Thames Valley Chorus you will learn about the sheet music and get singing, whether you want to try singing the tune or give one of the harmony parts a go. It doesn't matter if you have a high voice or a low one - there'll be a part for you.