View Calendar
09-02-2023 17:00 - 18:30
Property and Your Financial Planning
Thu 9 February 2023
5pm - 6.30pm
Castle Royle, Bath Road, Knowl Hill, Berkshire RG10 9XA
To reserve a place, email
Starfish Accounting | Eight Wealth Management | Greenacre Financial Services
Join Eight Wealth Management, Starfish Accounting and Greenacre Financial Services for an informative evening on Property and Financial Planning.
The experts will be covering the following topics:
- Making tax digital
- Tax for landlords
- Current property market update
- Impact of base rate rises on lending options
- Property taxation changes
- Property vs alternative investments
- Financial planning for the future
- Mortgage and property planning
- Tax for landlords
- Current property market update
- Impact of base rate rises on lending options
- Property taxation changes
- Property vs alternative investments
- Financial planning for the future
- Mortgage and property planning