Hurst Parish Council meeting

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05-03-2024 19:30 - 20:30
Repeat every 2 months on theFirst Tuesday until 03-12-2024
St Nicholas CE Primary School
Address: School Road, Hurst RG10 0DR

Hurst Parish Council meeting

First Tuesday of each odd month (January's meeting may fall on the second Tuesday)


St Nicholas CE Primary School, School Road, Hurst RG10 0DR

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Parish Clerk 0118 979 8914


St Nicholas Hurst Parish Council consists of 10 elected volunteers and is responsible for overseeing a number of amenities in the village, including three play parks and the allotments.
Members of the Parish Council work closely with colleagues at Wokingham Borough Council and Hurst Village Society to ensure the parish is maintained and developed for the benefit of both parishioners and visitors.
Council meetings are usually held on the first Tuesday of each odd month, but if this falls at the start of January it may be on the second Tuesday for that month. Members of the public and press are cordially invited to attend.