Hurst Morris People taster session

Hurst Morris People taster session

Thu 20 and Thu 27 September 2018

8pm – 10pm


 Hurst Village Hall, School Road, Hurst RG10 0DR

icon emailEmail ‘Squire’ Karen Rickets at

icon telephoneCall Sue on 07761 222390



Hurst Morris People are inviting everyone to their free and friendly taster sessions on Thursday 20 and 27 September. These present a ‘no obligation’ opportunity to try a 500-year-old English tradition and have some fun.

It’s a great evening out, with lots of laughs, home made cake and visit to the pub afterwards. Everyone is welcome – men and women, dancers and musicians. No previous Morris experience is needed.

To find out more get in touch using any of the contact points shown above.