Hurley Parish Council meeting

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19-01-2023 19:30 - 20:30
Repeat every month on theThird Thursday until 16-11-2023

Hurley Parish Council meeting

Third Thursday of the month (second Thursday in December)


Meetings rotate between venues: Hurley Village Hall, Knowl Hill Village Hall
and Littlewick Green Gilchrist Thomas Village Hall (see website for calendar and agenda)

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Hurley Parish Council works for the communities of Hurley, Warren Row and parts of Burchetts Green, Cockpole Green, Littlewick Green and Knowl Hill.

There are ten Councillors: four representing the North Ward of the parish, covering Hurley and Burchetts Green, and six representing the South Ward, covering the remainder of the parish.

Meetings are held on the third Thursday each month at locations across the two wards to ensure that all residents have easy access to the council. A ward councillor from the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead usually attends the meetings and members of the public are always welcome.  

Towards the beginning of each meeting there is an Open Forum giving members of the public the opportunity to ask questions or pass on useful information.

Parish Council meetings are normally held at 7.30pm. However, the April meeting starts earlier at 7pm as this is the Annual Parish Assembly, when residents receive an update on Parish Council activities throughout the year.

The AGM is held at the May meeting.