A Hero’s Journey: teen writing workshop

A Hero’s Journey: teen writing workshop

Sat 28 July 2018

icon clock10.30am – 3pm

£5 – advance booking essential via Wokingham Library

Wokingham Library, Denmark Street, Wokingham RG40 2BB

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Wokingham Library – 0118 978 1368

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Ever wanted to try writing and coming up with your own stories? Or share your ideas with other aspiring writers? If so, you’re in luck: Igniting Writing, Wokingham Library’s creative writing club, are running a series of action-packed writing workshops for anyone between 11 and 18 years old to take part in!
Everyone has wondered to themselves at least once ‘what would my life be like if I had superpowers?’ and this workshop is your chance to find out! If you’ve ever wanted to create your own superhero and tell the tales of their crimefighting exploits, this workshop will give you the opportunity to develop your own hero, with a backstory, supervillains and more!
