Christmas Ornaments Fair

View Calendar
30-11-2017 12:00 - 18:00
Old Fire Station Gallery, Market Place, Henley-on-Thames RG9 2AG
Address: Old Fire Station Gallery, Market Place, Henley-on-Thames RG9 2AG

Christmas Ornaments Fair

The Christmas Ornaments Exhibition and Pop-Up Museum is a stunning display dedicated to rare and original Christmas decorations that will be held at the Old Fire Station Gallery in Henley on Thames. The exhibition will be set as a white forest installation, with a unique collection of Christmas ornaments hanging from the branches of handmade trees.

Learn why we decorate a tree, when and where the tradition started, and what early Christmas decorations were made of.

The exhibition runs from Thursday 30 November to Tuesday 5 December.

Opening times are as follows:

12 noon - 6pm on Thursday, Monday and Tuesday
10am - 7pm on Friday and Saturday
10am - 6pm on Sunday.