BBOWT Wild Parishes webinar
Thu 27 August 2020
7pm - 8.30pm
£5 per webinar, or £20 for all five
Book tickets:
Pond management
Speakers TBC - check Eventbrite link for updates.
This is one in a series of webinars aimed at helping parish councils and local volunteers take positive steps to improve their local area for wildlife and residents.
Hosted by the Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust in collaboration with the Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Natural Environment Partnership and the Chilterns Conservation Board, the webinars will each focus on a specific topic offering information and advice about managing areas and green spaces for wildlife. The webinars will have approx. 1 hour of presentations followed by a Q&A session of up to half an hour.
Register via the Eventbrite link to attend and you'll receive an email with a unique link to join each webinar, starting at 7pm and held via the Zoom video conferencing platform.