Opera at Bearwood: New Beginnings
Sat 18 and Sun 19 January 2020
Witty Theatre, Luckley House School, Luckley Road, Wokingham RG40 3EU
£16 (under 18s £10)
Box office 0118 977 6600
Opera at Bearwood’s New Year Concert will be called New Beginnings, and will be held at Luckley House School on 18 and 19 January.
Formed in Spring 1993, Opera at Bearwood is one of Berkshire’s most energetic and talented opera groups. This group of dedicated amateurs and budding professionals was created to bring the live opera experience to Reading, Wokingham and central Berkshire.
The group believes that opera is fun and they enjoy communicating their love of the unique medium to an increasingly aware and enthusiastic audience, singing their main production in the English language. Each summer they present a full opera, sung in the English language with costumes, sets and an orchestra. Additionally they perform a new year concert of either opera excerpts or a small operetta.